Number and placement of desktops change after reboot

I’m running Yosemite, and TotalSpaces v2.2.20. I have 2 monitors: 24" and 27". 4 desktops on the 24 and 8 on the 27.

I just installed the new OS X Update and rebooted.

Now I have 1 desktop on the 24 and 12 on the 27. Is there a problem with not saving the current setup?

And the application desktop settings are gone.

I found the DisplaySpacesManager app which I’ve used to save my settings. I’ll use this until things are sorted out.


I have the same issue on occasions. I don’t think it’s directly an issue with TD - as I’ve had it with OS X Spaces too. OS X doesn’t seem to honour which monitor channel it uses as the default when rebooting, so sometimes it can be (for sake of example), the ‘left’ one and on others it can be the ‘right’.

The reason you get 13 spaces is that OS X knows you want 12 but throws them all on the default monitor that it selected on boot. As the second monitor can’t have 0 desktops it creates a single (number 13) desktop. I still haven’t found a 100% fix / solution for this yet :frowning:

To get around the apps not opening on the right numbered desktop / losing their mapping in TD, I just named all my desktops in TD and then regardless of what monitor OS X decides to place them on I can easily (if not annoyingly), move them back in to place without the application mapping being broken.

Here’s a quick screen shot to illustrate what I have set up:



In testing the new update I didn’t find any new problems. But as you have probably noticed in this forum, there has been a long term problem that OSX can become confused about which screen spaces are on.

The best solution I have at the moment is the DisplaySpacesManager app, which should reliably restore the settings if they are lost.

The DisplaySpacesManager app did not work as I thought it would.

I am running a 3-monitor setup with TotalSpaces2, version 2.3.9 on El Capitan 10.11.3 with SIP enabled (thanks for the workaround). When I re-boot, the Desktops on my left and right monitors switch along with their assigned apps to each Desktop (no thanks to OS X!).

If I restore the configuration with DisplaySpacesManager, the Desktops switch back to the correct Display, but the apps don’t, leaving the apps on the incorrect Displays, requiring me to re-assign the apps to the intended Desktops.

The way I work around this is when I am required to re-boot, I re-boot twice. The first re-boot switches the left and right monitor along with the assigned apps. The second re-boot switches the left and right monitors again along with the assigned apps, leaving me with the correct desktop and app configuration.

FlashGen pointed out in a posting above another approach. He simply moves the Desktops along with their assigned apps back to their original displays. Depending on the number of Desktops a user has, that might be a preferable approach over my re-boot twice method.

If DisplaySpacesManager moved the assigned apps as well as the Desktops to the correct displays, that would be a very nice quick fix. I don’t understand how restoring a configuration with DisplaySpacesManager helps the situation with moving the Desktops to the correct displays, but not their assigned apps. Or am I missing something?

DisplaySpacesManager does have code to restore the app bindings.

So if you have the apps assigned, then they should move to the correct displays when you restore the setting from

So the question is, why is this not working? I’ll need to try to reproduce it.

Just to make sure I understand correctly - you have, for instance, assigned to a particular space, and when you click on restore in DisplaySpacesManager it does not move to the space on the display where it was when you saved the setting?

Your understanding is incorrect. When I restore in DisplaySpacesManager, it DOES move the Space to the appropriate display. The app just doesn’t go along with that space, and this is the problem.

I have 3 monitors, left, middle, and right. I have 3 desktops on the middle (primary) display. I have 4 desktops on the right display, and 3 desktops on the left monitor. I have the assigned to the right display, Desktop #2. When I reboot, the middle (primary) display is unaffected, but the right and left displays do a switch. So now I have 4 desktops on the left display, and 3 desktops on the right. Apps that were assigned to the right display, desktop #1, now appear on the left display, desktop #1. Apps that were assigned to the right display, desktop 2, now are the left display, desktop #2. And so on, for Desktops 3 & 4. Conversely, Apps that were on the left display, desktop #1, are now on the right display, desktop #1. And so on, for Apps that were on the left display, desktops 2 & 3.

More specifically, the has moved from right display, desktop #2 to the left display, desktop #2. When I restore the saved configuration using DisplaySpacesManager, the desktop configuration goes from 4, 3, 3 desktops on left, middle, right displays back to the original 3,3,4 desktops on left, middle, right displays, but the remains on Desktop #2 on the left display rather than returning to the Desktop #2 on the right display.

As I said, when I am required to reboot, OS X switches the desktops from left to right and from right to left. But if I immediately reboot a second time, OS X switches them again so I end up with the configuration I want.

Let me know if you need further clarification.

Thanks for the great program!

I’ve been experimenting with this, and when I restore a setting that was saved when the app assignments are in place then the apps seem to move to the right desktops.

What does TotalSpaces report in the Apps preferences? Does it show the apps assigned to the wrong spaces? If so there must be a bug somewhere in the app assignment code.

Hi Stephen,

TotalSpaces reports the Apps in the wrong spaces in Preferences after running DisplaySpaces Manager. I have recently changed my Desktop configuration from the original 3 desktops on the left display, 3 on the middle display, and 4 on the right display (3-3-4) to a 4-4-4 configuration in hopes that might solve my issue. But it didn’t. To simplify the issue I am having, assume that I have a 1-1-1 configuration. The desktop in the left display is named Evernote with the Evernote app set up in Preferences to open on that Desktop. OmniFocus is for the middle display and Safari is for the right display.

When I reboot my computer, the left and right displays switch. We can ignore the middle primary display for this discussion because that never changes. So after the reboot, I now have the Evernote desktop on the right, and the Safari desktop on the left. The apps are still assigned to the correct desktops in Preferences.

If I restore with DisplaySpaces Manager, the desktops get switched back to their original configuration, but the apps are reassigned to different desktops in Preferences. For example, after restoring with DisplaySpacesManager, I now have the Safari desktop back on the right display, and the Evernote desktop back on the left display, but when I go into Preferences, the Evernote app is now assigned to the Safari desktop and the Safari app is assigned to the Evernote desktop. So my desktops are in the right place, but the apps are not.

If I now reboot my computer a second time, the desktops switch again, so now I have Safari desktop on the left, and the Evernote desktop on the right. The app Preferences hasn’t changed, so I still have the Evernote app in the Safari desktop and the Safari app in the Evernote desktop. Now if I restore with DisplaySpacesManager a second time, the desktops switch back to the correct display, AND the apps get switched to the correct assignment in Preferences.

So if I reboot twice, and restore twice using DisplaySpacesManager, I get back my correct configuration. But as I mentioned in my previous posting, I can accomplish the same without using DisplaySpacesManager at all by simply rebooting twice.

In my testing, using the restore feature of DisplaySpacesManager, my desktops switch displays, but the apps remain on the same display (switching their assignment to a specific desktop).

For DisplaySpacesManager to be useful, I would need DisplaySpacesManager NOT to switch app assignment in Preferences when restoring.

Understand. Actually I was trying something out today and I noticed a possible bug in DisplaySpacesManager, but it only applies to certain apps that it won’t record properly. But anyway I’ll fix it and post a new version for you to try.

Looks like I have version 1.2 for DisplaySpacesManager. Is that version the latest and greatest?

1.2 (2) was the latest, but I just built 1.2 (3). You can find it here:

I’m not certain if this fix will help, but it’s worth a try.

I gave it a try with DisplaySpacesManager 1.2 (3), but got the same result as before. Restoring the saved configuration switches the named desktops back to the correct display, but the apps end up on different desktops than intended in TotalSpaces2 Preferences. I can either re-boot twice to get the correct configuration or I can re-boot twice AND restore twice with DisplaySpacesManager to get the correct configuration. So until DisplaySpacesManager can maintain the same app assignment to specific named desktops upon restoration, it is simpler to forgo DisplaySpacesManager and just re-boot twice without it.

The ideal scenario, other than OS X not switching my displays on re-boot in the first place, would be to re-boot once, restore a configuration with DisplaySpacesManager and have the correct setup with apps maintaining their correct desktop assignment after restoration.


After you have restored using DisplaySpacesManager, do the correct app assignments appear in the Apps preferences in TotalSpaces2?

If they do, then it is strange if the windows of those apps don’t move to the correct spaces.

If they don’t then that points to a bug in the way the assignments were stored, or restored.

I have the same issue, but I use 6 Monitors and 96 Spaces (16 spaces for each monitor). I also tried using 6 monitors and 12 spaces (2 spaces for each monitor). The problem with the apps moving from space to space persists