Bug: Cannot open folders from Desktop (GONE in 1.6.16!)

I have some folders on my Desktop (e.g. ~/Desktop/MyFolder) and when I double click to open one of them, all that happens is that the Visor shows up, but no new tab is opened and the folder’s contents aren’t shown. So I always have to manually do that from within TotalFinder.

Another bug, which is definitely linked to the one above, has to do with aliases on the Desktop which point to folders somewhere else on my HDD. Sometimes nothing happens (as above), sometimes TotalFinder doesn’t open the folder itself, but a subfolder within the pointed directory. What the heck?

I am using TotalFinder 1.6.13 on Yosemite. Interestingly I already had this problems on Mavericks. I have already deleted all the .DS_Store stuff from my HDD (find -name ...) and reinstalled TotalFinder (including removal of the .plist stuff).

Another thing to mention is that TotalFinder is so damn sluggish on Yosemite I am almost willing to disable it.

Can anyone confirm these problems? What can I do?


Trying to investigate further…
When I look into system logs these lines show up EVERY 2 seconds -> can’t be normal?

21.10.14 00:50:58,982 Finder[59363]: TotalFinderInjector v1.6.13 received init event
21.10.14 00:50:58,982 Finder[59363]: TotalFinderInjector: TotalFinder has been already loaded. Ignoring this request.
21.10.14 00:51:00,981 TotalFinder[349]: [debug] target app is <NSRunningApplication: 0x608000115330 (com.apple.finder - 59363)>(terminated=0)
21.10.14 00:51:00,981 TotalFinder[349]: [debug] sending injection events to Finder[59363] (trial #31)
21.10.14 00:51:00,982 TotalFinder[349]: [debug]   ~~> <NSAppleEventDescriptor: 'ascr'\'gdut'{  }>
21.10.14 00:51:00,982 TotalFinder[349]: [debug]   ~~> <NSAppleEventDescriptor: 'BATF'\'init'{  }>

Edit: It stops after trial no. 150 with:

21.10.14 00:55:00,980 TotalFinder[349]: too many trials, stopping the timer
21.10.14 00:55:00,980 TotalFinder[349]: [debug] stop injection timer

There are no other debug messages from TotalFinder in the logs.

I made a short video to visualize what I mean: http://quick.as/4ZjxCk4V

Am I really the only one experiencing this problems?

Finally! Described issues were resolved in 1.6.16 after a clean reinstall of TF. Thanks!! :slight_smile:

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Good. It got probably fixed by fixing that applescript inter-op bug. Thank you for your help.