Anyone try TotalFinder on Sonoma?

I should already know the answer to this question given the fact that with every OS X upgrade, TotalFinder has had to go through a complete rewrite.

Hoping, by chance, before I install the beta that someone has been able to get TotalFinder to work on Sonoma.

To answer my own question as I upgraded one of my 3 Mac laptops from Ventura to Sonoma…

I am completely amazed!

Out of the box, TotalFinder works on Sonoma at first boot-up.

I am amazed as every single past OS upgrade has required a complete rewrite of the software to work. This time around, it just works.

Well, it sorta/kinda works. To open a new TF window, I have to click on the finder icon and select “Open a new finder window”. I have to click on the “Show Tab Bar” tabs to change directories, and when I close one open tab, it has the disconcerting habit of closing all tabs and leaving me with a blank TF screen. Other than that, Copy/Paste (my favorite part) works quite well.

I also have the latest update of Sonoma and I’m seeing the following anomaly and wondered if it is from TotalFinder, please help me out!

  1. I am having many instances of finder opening even when I set all windows to open in tabs.
    Could you please help me correct that if you believe it could be an effect from TotalFinder.
    Thanks as always!

System Settings - Desktop & Dock - Windows, if you choose Always here, you will have this problem, just restore it to the default In Full Screeni