Can we help test Total Spaces 3 if we have Apple silicon?

Or Russians… You never know what might happen to a person. Unfortunately TS3 is closed source and therefore there is no potential new maintainer.

Starting from today, I have the same problem. And I immediately feel the pain to be without TS.

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Works perfectly on 12.3.1 here.
Can’t we gather some money for the Binaryage team to open-source the project ? It seems that we are enough people to have this software as a critical piece of our workflow. I’m ready to pay and to (try) to collaborate for the next updates of the project. This project is too useful for a lot of us to go to the trash !

If you’re able to contact them then let us know what they say :slight_smile:

Hi guys, I did contact them recently (The developer in charge, Stephen). I believe we will have an update status coming this Easter. I’m also a TS3 user on M1.


I don’t want an open source project I have to maintain, I want to pay someone a subscription to maintain TS so that I never have to live without it

Hi @zouloux,

I have thought the same and I am willing to support your suggestion. An alternative could be to start a bounty for an alternative implementation.


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Which is great until it isn’t :wink:


Did you heard of BetterDummy ?
I don’t know what they will reply but I added a feature suggestion to add Space/Screen management like TotalSpace. BetterDummy is a monitor organizer, maybe they will think this feature can be added as TotalSpace is going to die I think :frowning:

My post : Space/Screen management · Discussion #524 · waydabber/BetterDummy · GitHub

Best regards

@kevin39 I feel like this feature is out of scope for totalspaces, it has a very different function. Cool project though.

As you can see, my available time for this project has dwindled to zero, but I want to see it survive if it can. I’m willing to open source it if there is a some specific person I could trust to take over as maintainer. It’s written mainly in swift, some Objective C, and uses reverse engineered APIs.


Hi @stephen ,
Happy to see you are alive, that a good news, hope everything is fine on your side.

I think TotalSpace is very interesting. I contacted BetterDummy (a monitor manager), they answered be the app/desktop management is into their roadmap but once their current feature is stable. Maybe it’s a good start to contact them ? Maybe they will be happy to work with your sources ?

See Space/Screen management · Discussion #524 · waydabber/BetterDummy · GitHub

Anyway, I hope someone will continue your great job, thank for all your work.

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Hey Stephen,

I’d love see if I could somehow help maintain an OSS flavor of TS3. I actively maintain a wide variety of OSS projects - check out some of them at jkelleyrtp (Jon Kelley) · GitHub.

I’ve been working on reverse engineering the hidden/private ObjC APIs - my work is here at jkelleyrtp (Jon Kelley) · GitHub. My Swift isn’t as good as my Rust but I’m sure I could make it work.

If you were interested in doing a hybrid SaaS/OSS model (paid and OSS versions), I’m sure we could figure something out too.

Feel free to hit me up in DMs.



Ok good, I will be in touch


What a good news !

My installation worked fine but became unresponsive this morning. I had to kill TotalSpaces via the terminal.

TotalSpaces would not open after this. I restarted my machine and it still would not open. I have the same error as @harrison.

The solution did work for me, but TotalSpaces became unresponsive after only a few minutes of use. Restarting the machine again and I’m back to the same error posted.

This really needs to be fixed.

I’d be excited to contribute with PRs if it goes open source. :slight_smile:
I’m half decent at Swift, mostly coming from the iOS world.


Excellent news, thank you both!

Hello, those are good news!

I’m poping here to report that after buying the licence my TS3 started not moving windows from space to space.

Console app logs the following when trying to move a window:

error 10:13:43.469611+0200 TotalSpaces3 Failed to serialize property list: <private>.
error 10:13:43.469636+0200 TotalSpaces3 Cannot serialize plist

Great, will inform here when we have made progress with it.