Can we help test Total Spaces 3 if we have Apple silicon?

navigating spaces seems to be a general problem with macOS 14.5. Other apps also have issues:

same problem here, quite annoying, TS is loosing a key functionality. Anyone has solved this issue, a fix or workaround ?

Same issue with 14.5: Can’t move windows between spaces. I may have to go back to Linux.

As far as i heard from the Dev, the App seems to be discontinued, at least for now

Where did you hear that? I mean, it seems pretty obvious, but as far as I’m aware it was never stated anyplace.

Well, maybe no discontinued exaclty, but the Dev said, he has no time for it atm, and this is a while ago, and due nothing changed, it seems obvious

Yeah that’s what I thought - let out to pasture in order to slowly die.

I’ve been looking for a replacement but never really found anything so robust… closest that I came was

Yes, the inability to move windows (instances of applications) from space-to-space in grid view is tough to deal with: I’ve been using grid-based window managers since the SunOS days (uggh).

As it stands, I navigate the grid using the Cmd-Arrow functions and when I need to move a window, hot corner to Mission Control and move windows in spaces there.

I’d really welcome a fix if the APIs aren’t totally horked.

(I’m on Sonoma 14.5 on an M1, FWIW. I held off upgrades for years)

I am on 14.5 and still able to use TS3. Not sure what I have done differently but I am on an M1 MBP.

Thank you… think I’m going to switch to this. Looks promising. Not being able to drag windows between spaces kind of broke the camels back here.

Anyone know how Sequoia fares yet?

I am on 14.6.1 on a Mid 2020 MB Air M1 and TS 0.9.125.
Runs ok, quite usable, can move Windows between Desktops.
Quite happy with it.

Ughh, seems I was to fast with my praise for TS3. I can move windows between spaces, but it is not persistent. As soon as I leave grid overview and activate it again, the windows are in their old spaces! :frowning_face:

Interesting, I’ve noticed this has started happening in the last few weeks.
Try to move a window, appears to work … come out of grid view, nah-yeah-nah, the window is still in the old desktop.

I’m on macOS 13.6.9

Dear everyone who’s asking about moving windows to different spaces: It looks like the problem is not TotalSpaces3, but Apple! From’s site:

Does Space Capsule require special privileges to work?

No special privileges are required, but if you want to use the trackpad gesture to show the grid, the app does need accessibility privileges to receive trackpad input. Space Capsule only uses this privilege to process gesture input and nothing else, and does not retain or transmit any user data.

Why do I need to visit a Space before Space Capsule knows about it?

There is no publicly supported way for third party developers to manipulate or know about Spaces in macOS.
Space Capsule can uniquely identify and return to a Space that you're on, though, without having to use any private frameworks or unsupported macOS functionality.

Why can’t I remove a Space from within Space Capsule?

This is another limitation of not being able to manipulate Spaces as a third party developer in macOS.

Can I use Space Capsule to move windows from one Space to another?

Unfortunately not. This is another feature that is not publicly supported in macOS for third party developers.

(Back to me posting: )
So basically Apple ruined Spaces, then decided that wasn’t bad enough and decided to prevent 3rd Party developers from fixing what they broke. I hate to say it but I can see why the TotalSpaces developers gave up and stopped working on this – Apple is hell-bent on destroying its UI and won’t let any pesky 3rd party developers save the UI from them!

Regarding TotalSpaces3, or TS3, it no longer supports moving windows in grid view on the recent Sonoma and Sequoia updates. The animation appears, but the window does not move. Fortunately, other applications like Yabai and Amethyst can successfully move windows to different spaces, suggesting that TS3 could potentially adapt to the changes implemented by Apple. Unfortunately, it appears that TS3 has been abandoned for some time, and the developer has not yet decided to make it open source.

I really want to completely disable the animation of switching between Mac desktops, is there an easy way to do it?

I really want to completely disable the animation of switching between Mac desktops, is there an easy way to do it? This fade-in and fade-out animation is wasting my life

Disable? I don’t think so. Speed transitions up? Yes, the default animation speed is soooooo sloooooow.

Enter this in terminal and it’ll be snappier:

defaults write com.binaryage.TotalSpaces3 transitionSpeed -int 1000

My point is that when I use alt-tab, there is a delay in switching between full-screen applications and non-full-screen applications

There is actually a second method if Chrome can hide the toolbar when not in full-screen mode