Crashes Finder in El Capitan at startup, no email link for crash log

TotalFinder 1.11.8 runs fine in El Capitan on my Mac Pro (2009) most of the time, but still crashes the Finder every few days. It also has no link to my Apple Mail app so I can auto-send the crash log.

I’ve had to save a screenshot of the “pop-up” window and then locate the crash log manually then attach it to an email. So far, I’ve been reluctant to follow up because once my Mac Pro is up and running, after all the “load on login” apps are done launching and backing up, it runs fine.

Lately, however, it’s been crashing almost every day. So now I’m sending the log so I can find out which apps are clashing with TotalFinder (El Capitan) 1.11.8.