DownSize the min height of a TotalFinder Window

Hi all!
I’ve been using TotalFinder for quite a long time now, mainly on MBP15" with large external screens (24 to 27").
But now, I just bought a MBA 13" and I meet a difficulty : I cannot reduce enough the height of a window in order to put 2 windows on the screen one under the other, and see everything from top to bottom of the 2 windows, without masking a part of each other.

The min height of a Finder window is about 304px, meanwhile the min height of a TotalFinder window is 461px, and the content is 200px in the Finder, and 338px in TotalFinder.

Is there a way to downsize the minimum height of a window in TotalFinder, or can you modifiy the min height to meet the usage of MBA Screens?

Thank you,