Focus on window

Hi there!

i am using TotalSpaces 2.2 20 on Yosemite and DreamweaverCC.
Also i use a MagicMouse and BetterTouchTool 1.15.
In TotalSpaces / Settings -> Mouse i choosed THIRD / MIDDLE click.
And in BetterTouchTool -> MagicMouse -> Global -> Three Finger Click signed to Middle Click.

When editing code in Dreamweaver and doing a threeFingerClick,
(here TotalSpaces shows all Spaces as expected)
but Dreamweaver doesn’t loose focus and highlights my code on mouseMove.

This happens since upgrading to Yosemite and was no bug in Maverics.
Any help?
thanks. t_m

Sorry I don’t immediately have any suggestions.

It may be particular to this combination of software and hardware - do other apps not lose focus with the middle button?

(I don’t think the mouse handling changed significantly in Yosemite, but there may be differences I am unaware of.)

Just found out that this issue is not there, when using my MacBook Pro built in Trackpad and doing a three finger click as described above.
Solved the issue with BetterTouchTool:
instead of: BetterTouchTool -> MagicMouse -> Global -> Three Finger Click assigned to Middle Click
i use: BetterTouchTool -> MagicMouse -> Global -> Three Finger Click assigned to ShortCut : alt space shift


Ok, thanks for letting us know!