How do you get multiple colors in the terminal

My question is best summarized through pictures. How do I get my total terminal to have multiple colors as shown on the website? My terminal is only 1 shade of green.




  1. Delete your Visor profile.
  2. Let TotalTerminal create the Visor profile for you (it is on preference pane)
  3. get inspiration in my .profile file: (it is a bit outdated, but it has some ENV variables for forcing colored output of some shell commands and some shell prompt tricks)

Please be more specific.

  1. Where is the profile you are speaking of located?
  2. Button to create Visor profile is greyed out and never clickable
  3. When I attempt to delete the only Visor profiles any of my search tools find (within the TotalTerminal bundles) TotalTerminal will no longer open and I have to reinstall.