I’m running Mojave 10.14, if that makes a difference.
I keep seeming to have this problem, consistently.
For whatever reason (not a glitch/necessity, just an occasional choice to do so), I’ll need to relaunch Finder, and here’s what happens:
Relaunch Finder
Relaunch TotalFinder
TF reopens about 12 LONG-AGO-CLOSED Finder Windows.
I do a Command + Option + W
Kills all of the Finder windows.
I repeat the Finder/TotalFinder relaunch procedure above…
The same 12 Finder Windows pop up.
What is going on?
This “Remeber previously open windows/tabs” is a great feature if Finder or my Computer crashes.
TotalFinder should realize this and stop remembering them/relaunching them every time I restart Finder/TF.
It is true that TotalFinder saves “world state” only during graceful termination. If you kill it suddenly it does not get a change to store that info. At this moment I don’t store it speculatively e.g. after closing tabs.
To quit Finder gracefully, you can run this command from Terminal:
osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to quit'
I could look into it and try to persist the state more frequently. The problem here is that this info is stored in ~/Library/Preferences/com.binaryage.totalfinder.plist and frequent churn in updates to it could cause some other problems - e.g. someone trying to write something from command-line and that would interfere. Maybe it is not an issue. I’m not deeply familiar with plist subsystem in macOS.