Latest TotalSpaces switches desktops back immediately


Installed TS (2.7.12) today. SIP already disabled. When I switch to a different desktop, it immediately switches back.
Example: I am on desktop 1, i click on the menubar and switch to D2. It switches to it but within a second it transitations back to D1.

What am i doing wrong?

Actually, this only happens when switching to D1 or D2. When i switch from D2 to D3, it stays in D3.
Switching from D4 to D1 hilariously switches to D2 and then back to D2 automatically. No idea why it switches to D2 at all.

setup is 2 rows and 3 cols. Mission Control shortcuts are all deactivated

Sometimes I have seen something like this. It’s usually due to some app - perhaps with windows on both or several desktops. When the app activates it initiates a switch to the wrong desktop. I’m not sure how to solve this, but it has been a rare problem. Could it be something similar happening on your desktop?

You are right. It was adobe lightroom. As soon as i quit lightroom it started to work. Initially I opened it on D1 and moved it to D2, though it only has 1 window.Not sure how that could trip something up then. thank you