Life after TotalSpaces

I am trying to move from macOS Catalina to Monterey…and I am absolutely going nuts without TotalSpaces available!

What are some recommended alternative solutions?

The thing I seem to miss the most is the ability to hit CTRL-RIGHT and CTRL-LEFT to move around between spaces quickly… and I had them in a 3x3 grid so that I could move up and down too… so convenient… I am lost without it!

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You can bind same shortcuts for going left/right between native spaces but you won’t have it in 2 dimentions, it will only be a single row.
I also was looking for alternatives. but unfortunately couldn’t find any so far…

I am currently re-learning how to use my Mac without TotalSpace…

click+hold top bar from an app and then CTRL-Left or right to move an app from space a to b.
Also I reconfigured the keys from CTRL-left to fn~ and CTRL-right to fn-z.

hope that helps! :slight_smile: