Is there any preview or roadmap to total finder on macOS Monterey?
Mine (latest version 1.14.0 was working fine until last week (macOS 12.2), then suddenly it complaint about AppleEvents and didn’t work anymore.
If I disable SIP all the privacy controls of camera, mic and Automation is disabled, so is impossible to enable totalfinder on finder automation, and if I enable it, totalfinder ask to disable sip again.
The most strange is that it was working fine until 3 days ago, I don’t know if it could be related to update 12.2.1 of macOS
As far as I know it has nothing to do with 12.2.1.
I’m running it this way.
Just complete reinstall with a (no TotalFinder) reboot inbetween.
Should do the trick. Disable SIP as needed for TotalFinder, reinstall, reboot…
If you read the blog, you will see that this is propably the last version that runs on Intel Mac’s.
M1 Mac’s aren’t and won’t be getting a working version as of the statement of the dev.
After reboot in safe mode, I try to run the tccutil reset commands and I have discovered that there is an KAspersky module that was loaded and causing problems.
I enter in normal mode, uninstall Kaspersky completely, and now I will try to install total finder again. If I have any problem I report here, anyway thanks for your reply!
I just disable sip again and installed totalfinder in macOS 12.2.1. Now it’s working fine!!
I’m very sorry that Totalfinder development is at risky.
I’ve bought many softwares but Totalfinder is by far the most used and the one that I really have missed these last days!
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Lucky you. It’s still broken for me after the Monterey update. Tried reinstalling TS2 and csrutil status
returns disabled. Not using Kaspersky. Still not working 
I miss TS2. Native Mac space transition sucks. You can make the animation slightly faster but it’s still annoying as f**k.
If you have any extra information on how you solved the issue, please (PLEASE!) let us know.