I had to say TotalFinder is much better than XtraFinder.
Just one problem, I need the Go Up (go to parent folder) feature, can you add it?
Remember the keyboard shortcut CMD+UP_ARROW. Problem solved. Thank me later
I have to say, I strongly second the above request. I know we have CMD+Up Arrow but that means if I am just using my mouse I have to move my hand off the mouse to initiate the command. This isn’t about being lazy, it’s really just a lot faster. Plus, the up button should allow opening the destination (parent folder) in a new window if you hold down CMD while clicking on it. This is essentially what happens in the Windows Explorer, etc. It’s one of the things I miss most about Finder! Please consider adding this…
I missed the up button as well so I created one that works. You can place it in the toolbar. I have an icon file as well that you can copy and paste in the Up Folder get info window. The shared links to the two files are below. Enjoy!
There is a Path button that comes with the Finder. I use it all the time. If you want a parent directory in another tab, you can use Cmd-click.
btw. a small tip: right-click into the TotalFinder’s tab should give you the same context menu as that path button (I believe).
The Path is a dropdown button that you then have to select the destination. The Up Folder button is a quick one press to go up. I have both on my toolbar.
But to do this I have to switch every time from my mouse to keyboard. It’s a bit uncomfortable and annoying.