"Rogue" Finder Window becomes stuck, won't move, can't close it either

A bugged out “rogue” Finder window will open sometimes when another mac application requests Finder to open a new window to show the location of a new file / folder. This window is completely unusable, cannot move it, cannot close it. The only solution is closing & restarting TotalFinder.

Example / Steps to Reproduce Bug:
–> Download a zip file normally with Chrome
–> Click on the downloaded zip file within Chrome. This has the effect of auto unzipping the zip file at its current folder.
–> A new Finder window automatically opens, and its bugged out :frowning:




Can anyone confirm this issue?

Yes, the issue is real. Unfortunately I don’t know what is causing it and how to fix it :frowning:

A workaround is CMD+T, CMD+W. If Finder.app had focus, this should “reset” view and force TotalFinder to capture the rogue window again.

I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

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Yes, this issue is rare and for me it has always appear when i click on : in an app like firefox, transmission or else (or the function “show in finder” menu button) or when an app auto open the finder.
The finder focus is not load correctly and the windows is only partially shown/loaded and it’s not declared in the finder tree in result the finder/totalfinder app dont know it have it open so it can’t be closed you have to kill the finder/total finder app :stuck_out_tongue:
I think since it’s an automated open folder by an app it try load the default windows finder but it’s not overwrite by total finder so it’s default finder with total finder app launch but not correctly apply.

ps : I have visor activated

I think I found a solution.
To me this always happened when I decompressed a zip file or tried to open a folder or drive from the desktop. I was checking through the forums when I saw the tread “Visor-Window shows when clicking on Finder-Dock-Icon” I used the command that Darwin said to use to change the behavior of the finder icon in opening the visor to opening a finder window. Now the rogue windows is gone. This is the command:
defaults write com.apple.finder TotalFinderDockIconIgnoresVisor -bool yes
This will also make the finder dock icon to open a windows instead of the visor.


Good news! This annoying “ghost window” bug should be fixed in TotalFinder 1.9.2 (beta):

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Hell yeah! Just saw the new update changelog for this fix, much appreciated.

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