Since the new TotalFinder v1.6.20 I have been getting this error every time I reboot my computer.
And it looks like the error is coming from Automator. And the error remains up until I click on the OK button. Sometimes, but not always, Automator will also launch.
Even though I’m getting this error, TotalFinder still seems to launch and is functioning normally despite the warning, after I OK the dialog.
Very bizarre. Any ideas? Any fix?
Thanks … Joe
Does is happen just with or with any .app you launch via /Applications?
My theory is that you have unintentionally assigned .app extension to be Automator’s document file. So system tries to launch Automator and pass the file as its launch parameter.
Try to follow this article:
Yes it only happened with You can’t assign an application to “open with” another application via Contextual menu nor Get Info. It wasn’t that. I forgot there was also an AppleScript warning from TotalFinder via Notifications, that when clicked on sent me to the pinned forum post: TotalFinder does not launch
I just did a total uninstall of TotalFinder 1.6.20, plus searched for and removed all caches, plists, etc associated with it. I then reinstalled & updated to 1.6.20 & it’s working fine.
Don’t know what happened between the last update & this new update. But a clean install fixed the issue.
Thanks anyway.
Hmm, thanks for additional details. This kinds of issues make me feel uncomfortable releasing 1.6.20 on stable channel for all people. Some others reported some weird issues as well. I have to figure out what is causing the trouble.
Just updated to 1.6.21. Still getting the TotalFinder does not launch notification at startup. I may just go back to a stable version.
I can send you my TotalFinder logs if that will help.
When you get the notification. TotalFinder really does not start or it starts but the notifications appears anyway?
Can you please execute this in
touch ~/.debug-totalfinder-injection
And then open, quit via CMD+OPT+ESC, and launch /Applications/ I would like to see the logs from the Console.
With v1.5.21 TotalFinder starts but I still get the notification.
BTW … I installed v 1.5.22 right after I did the debug for you & it seems to have fixed the issue. That was also just installed over 15.5.21, not a clean install.
This is the log, after doing a search for Total Finder:
5/24/15 9:17:15.763 AM TotalFinder[436] agent v1.6.20 started (TotalFinder)
5/24/15 9:17:17.985 AM TotalFinder[436] requesting injection into[260]
5/24/15 9:17:44.578 AM Finder[260] TotalFinderInjector v1.6.20 received init event
5/24/15 9:17:44.579 AM Finder[260] TotalFinderInjector: Installing TotalFinder from /Library/ScriptingAdditions/TotalFinder.osax/Contents/Resources/TotalFinder.bundle
5/24/15 9:17:46.747 AM Finder[260] Launching TotalFinderCrashWatcher from '/Library/ScriptingAdditions/TotalFinder.osax/Contents/Resources/TotalFinder.bundle/Contents/Resources/'
5/24/15 9:17:47.332 AM TotalFinderCrashWatcher[600] Watching '/Users/joes10/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports' for new crash reports with prefix 'Finder'
5/24/15 9:17:51.882 AM TotalFinder[436] TotalFinder has been succesfully injected into[260]
5/24/15 9:17:51.907 AM Finder[260] TotalFinderInjector v1.6.20 received init event
5/24/15 9:17:51.907 AM Finder[260] TotalFinderInjector: TotalFinder has been already loaded. Ignoring this request.
5/24/15 9:17:51.912 AM TotalFinder[436] TotalFinder has been succesfully injected into[260]
5/24/15 9:17:51.916 AM Finder[260] TotalFinderInjector v1.6.20 received init event
5/24/15 9:17:51.916 AM Finder[260] TotalFinderInjector: TotalFinder has been already loaded. Ignoring this request.
5/24/15 9:17:51.922 AM TotalFinder[436] TotalFinder has been succesfully injected into[260]
5/24/15 9:48:18.000 AM kernel[0] hfs: mounted TotalFinder on device disk4s1
5/24/15 9:48:21.000 AM kernel[0] hfs: unmount initiated on TotalFinder on device disk4s1
5/24/15 9:48:49.947 AM[1] (com.binaryage.totalfinder.agent.165604[436]) Service exited due to signal: Terminated: 15
5/24/15 9:48:49.968 AM TotalFinderCrashWatcher[600] caught SIGINT - exiting...
5/24/15 9:48:53.524 AM TotalFinder[7783] agent v1.6.21 started (TotalFinder)
5/24/15 9:48:53.549 AM TotalFinder[7783] Finder is not running. Launching it... (/System/Library/CoreServices/
5/24/15 9:48:55.559 AM TotalFinder[7783] requesting injection into[7788]
5/24/15 9:48:56.976 AM Finder[7788] TotalFinderInjector v1.6.21 received init event
5/24/15 9:48:56.976 AM Finder[7788] TotalFinderInjector: Installing TotalFinder from /Library/ScriptingAdditions/TotalFinder.osax/Contents/Resources/TotalFinder.bundle
5/24/15 9:48:57.560 AM Finder[7788] Launching TotalFinderCrashWatcher from '/Library/ScriptingAdditions/TotalFinder.osax/Contents/Resources/TotalFinder.bundle/Contents/Resources/'
5/24/15 9:48:57.729 AM TotalFinderCrashWatcher[7819] Watching '/Users/joes10/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports' for new crash reports with prefix 'Finder'
5/24/15 9:48:59.059 AM TotalFinder[7783] TotalFinder has been succesfully injected into[7788]
5/24/15 9:48:59.109 AM Finder[7788] TotalFinderInjector v1.6.21 received init event
5/24/15 9:48:59.109 AM Finder[7788] TotalFinderInjector: TotalFinder has been already loaded. Ignoring this request.
5/24/15 9:48:59.118 AM TotalFinder[7783] TotalFinder has been succesfully injected into[7788]
5/24/15 9:50:50.656 AM TotalFinder[420] agent v1.6.21 started (TotalFinder)
5/24/15 9:50:52.695 AM TotalFinder[420] requesting injection into[268]
5/24/15 9:50:57.745 AM Finder[268] TotalFinderInjector v1.6.21 received init event
5/24/15 9:50:57.745 AM Finder[268] TotalFinderInjector: Installing TotalFinder from /Library/ScriptingAdditions/TotalFinder.osax/Contents/Resources/TotalFinder.bundle
5/24/15 9:51:00.573 AM Finder[268] Launching TotalFinderCrashWatcher from '/Library/ScriptingAdditions/TotalFinder.osax/Contents/Resources/TotalFinder.bundle/Contents/Resources/'
5/24/15 9:51:01.245 AM TotalFinderCrashWatcher[486] Watching '/Users/joes10/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports' for new crash reports with prefix 'Finder'
5/24/15 9:51:18.407 AM TotalFinder[420] TotalFinder has been succesfully injected into[268]
5/24/15 9:51:18.435 AM Finder[268] TotalFinderInjector v1.6.21 received init event
5/24/15 9:51:18.435 AM Finder[268] TotalFinderInjector: TotalFinder has been already loaded. Ignoring this request.
5/24/15 9:51:18.440 AM TotalFinder[420] TotalFinder has been succesfully injected into[268]
5/24/15 9:51:18.849 AM Finder[268] TotalFinderInjector v1.6.21 received init event
5/24/15 9:51:18.850 AM Finder[268] TotalFinderInjector: TotalFinder has been already loaded. Ignoring this request.
5/24/15 9:51:18.852 AM TotalFinder[420] TotalFinder has been succesfully injected into[268]
I figured out the problem with help of @Paul_Wilkinson. It will be resolved in 1.6.23. Thanks for your cooperation.