Total Finder 1.10.4 Bug with seeing files listed in columns view

This problem has been noted several times before. For example, in “Can’t show first few items in Finder window at its minimum height” by Walter Zheng, Aug 17 with OS10.13 (beta) and TF 1.9.7, and in “Total Finder status under macOS 10.13” by wfsteele (me) and mareoraft on Sept 29, Oct 30, and Nov 1. The problem continues with macOS 10.13.1 and TF 1.10.5. The problem has to do with the vertical size of the Finder window in column view. When reducing the height of a fresh Finder window, the top item in the list is fixed and items at the bottom are hidden as the height decreases, that is, until the capacity of the list is reduced to 11 items. At that point, further reduction of the height results in the 11th item in the list being pinned to the bottom of the window and the top items being pushed out of sight at the top of the window. To make matters worse, if a file (not a folder) in the list is selected, this transition from hiding items at the bottom to hiding items at the top as the height decreases, occurs at item 19 instead of item 11. This behavior creates the effect that if a fresh window is opened and its vertical size happens to be in the range of 11 to 19 items, the list appears normal until a file is selected, at which point the whole list jumps up a few items hiding the top few from view.

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