Total Finder 1.10.4 Bug with seeing files listed in columns view

Thanks for the new release. Finder windows (in column mode) are now prevented from being reduced in (vertical) size to a capacity of fewer than 11 items (although, at minimum size, the top half of the list’s first item is still cut off). But the main problem remains: if a file (not a folder, but a single file) is selected, the 19th (rather than the 11th) list item becomes pinned to the bottom of the window when the window size is reduced to a capacity of fewer than 19 items. This means that if the window is sized to hold 19 or more items, there is no apparent problem. But if the window is sized to display n items, where 10 < n < 19, the top 19 - n items in the list will be hidden, out of sight at the top of the window, with item 19 pinned to the bottom of the window. Curiously, this transition point (of where the window resizing behavior changes) can be reset from 19 back to 11 by selecting all items in the list (cmd-A) and then expanding the window to accommodate at least 19 items. Now, when the window size is reduced to hold fewer than 19 items, items at the bottom disappear while item #1 remains visible at the top of the column, as it should (but then again, if the selection is reduced to a single file, the problem will repeat; the top items in the window will be hidden if the window isn’t big enough).

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