TotalFinder 1.9.6 not working

I updated TotalFinder 1.9.6 on MacOS Sierra (10.12.5) and I when I opened the preferences I get a blank window. Besides that the Finder was not working correctly, I had to restart the Finder several times.
So I installed 1.9.5 and now it’s working fine!

Same here.

Same here, about some time the finder don’t respond there is the previous version

Same here. It sometimes lists folders as having no content, when they do. And it frequently freezes certain tabs (but not others). I am going back to 1.9.5. Thanks for the alert.

Also confirmed that on Sierra I had to go back to 1.9.5. Used Pacifist to “force install” revert back, and now all is well.

I dropped email with logs to the dev because 1.9.6 crashed on me, so hopefully they have more info.

I’m using 1.9.6. NO issues/problems so far [10.12.5]

Same here. Very annoying, I am not using Totalfinder at the moment until fix.

Is TF 1.9.7 any better?
Thanks for your feedback:

No, TF 1.9.7 is not working!

The difference between 1.9.5 and 1.9.6 (1.9.7) was that I switched the compiler from Xcode 8 to Xcode 9 (beta). This probably introduced the issues. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to reproduce them here so far.

Having the same issue… works fine for awhile then I get empty, all white windows and have to force quit the finder. Windows end up looking like this:

Let me know, if its working. So i can start totalfinder again :smiley:

@benFinder: Well, you can probably downgrade to the last version on stable channel :slight_smile: