TotalFinder crashes in Catalina after clicking on iPhone

I have the problem that the TotalFinder crashes when I select my iPhone or iPad in the sidebar of the Finder and then click on a “normal” folder. The TotalFinder then closes and only the Apple Finder is available.

An error report cannot be sent: “It is not possible to upload the crash report to It was possible to find the crash report, but uploading to didn’t work, for whatever reason.”

One other user reported the same issue. I have been unable to reproduce it on my machine so far.

The problem with gist upload should display you a stack trace of ruby script. It would be great if you could screenshot that dialog and send it to This is likely issue with your ruby environment in your macOS.

Have the same issue when browsing an iPhone. Just posted a crash report on Github.

I met the same problem. But there is a difference that: It crashes when my iDevice connect with Mac, if I right click a folder on Sidebar and chose “open in new tab” and Total finder has crashed and quit. Then, I cannot open it again until restart my Mac. Even, original finder cannot open by clicking, I have to right click on task bar and chose “New finder window”. After that, Mac need restart for normally working.

I have the same issue - both with my iPhone and iPad.
Very often (but not always) Totalfinder crashes when I click one of these in the sidebar. But I can simply restart TotalFinder without rebooting.
But its a kind of annyoing.