For some reason, I boot up with TotalFinder enabled, and everything works fine until sometime later (several hours usually) I notice that TotalFinder is no longer running and Finder has reverted to it’s original state. I don’t get any notification of a crash - but TotalFinder is no longer active (and doesn’t appear in Activity Monitor). I then relaunch TotalFinder and everything is OK again, until sometime later when I notice that it has spontaneously quit again, and this cycle renews. Any ideas why? This is somewhat annoying. I am running OSX 10.15.2 and TotalFinder v.1.12.3
When you look into /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports
and ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports
do you see any crash reports prefixed with “Finder”?
Also I when you run cat /var/log/system.log | grep -i finder
in, do you see any unusual mentions of the Finder process?
No mentions of Finder in either DiagnosticReports folder.
The terminal entry yielded the following result:
Last login: Wed Jan 22 02:58:26 on console
You have mail.
bergealyanak@Berges-MacBook-Pro ~ % cat /var/log/system.log | grep -i finder
Jan 23 04:24:02 Berges-MacBook-Pro[1] ([56225]): Caller wanted oneshot behavior for pre-existing instance: caller = Finder
Jan 23 07:34:36 Berges-MacBook-Pro Finder[90216]: assertion failed: 19C57: libxpc.dylib + 91878 [AC9AD00D-BAA9-3ABC-B557-77E604CF9955]: 0x89
Jan 23 07:34:36 Berges-MacBook-Pro[1] (com.Writes-for-All-Inc.File.Cabinet.Pro.macappstore.File-Cabinet-Pro-MAS-Finder-Sync.7126F2B9-75BD-4EE2-8F31-739AD67256B5[90234]): Caller wanted oneshot behavior for pre-existing instance: caller = Finder
Jan 23 07:34:36 Berges-MacBook-Pro[1] (com.adobe.accmac.ACCFinderSync.A59D58F8-BD2E-4DCF-B4FD-E29084E900C0[90238]): Caller wanted oneshot behavior for pre-existing instance: caller = Finder
Jan 23 07:34:36 Berges-MacBook-Pro[1] ([90241]): Caller wanted oneshot behavior for pre-existing instance: caller = Finder
Jan 23 07:34:36 Berges-MacBook-Pro[1] (com.liupeng.mac.FinderMenu.FinderSync.6AE572E2-4730-4086-AD30-6E9F458F3C90[90243]): Caller wanted oneshot behavior for pre-existing instance: caller = Finder
Jan 23 07:34:36 Berges-MacBook-Pro[1] (com.getdropbox.dropbox.garcon.CC44C5B2-6BE5-457F-BF2A-86ABDB86DAB8[90242]): Caller wanted oneshot behavior for pre-existing instance: caller = Finder
Jan 23 07:34:37 Berges-MacBook-Pro[1] ([90233]): Caller wanted oneshot behavior for pre-existing instance: caller = Finder
Jan 23 07:34:37 Berges-MacBook-Pro[1] (com.lemkesoft.graphicconverter11.findersynchelper.770915B9-219A-4756-A7DA-EF296FEF85FA[90240]): Caller wanted oneshot behavior for pre-existing instance: caller = Finder
Jan 23 07:34:37 Berges-MacBook-Pro[1] ([90237]): Caller wanted oneshot behavior for pre-existing instance: caller = Finder
Jan 23 07:34:37 Berges-MacBook-Pro[1] (com.resilio.Sync.FinderExtension.6786C760-1666-4F29-9D5B-FEC276D1C016[90232]): Caller wanted oneshot behavior for pre-existing instance: caller = Finder
Jan 23 07:34:37 Berges-MacBook-Pro[1] (com.eltima.cloudmounter.CMFinderSync.01388DA0-F3E1-4AE2-841C-152C4B4C9042[90239]): Caller wanted oneshot behavior for pre-existing instance: caller = Finder
Jan 23 07:34:37 Berges-MacBook-Pro[1] (com.macitbetter.betterzip.findersyncextension.5FF8112B-9CBE-4C31-AD42-A0DCD31BE676[90245]): Caller wanted oneshot behavior for pre-existing instance: caller = Finder
Jan 23 07:34:37 Berges-MacBook-Pro[1] (com.Box.Box-Edit.BoxEditFinderExtension.4CCF4601-A5B7-47A0-A24B-60D85A3FA218[90244]): Caller wanted oneshot behavior for pre-existing instance: caller = Finder
Jan 23 07:34:37 Berges-MacBook-Pro AGMService[835]: ProcessPath : /System/Library/CoreServices/
Jan 23 12:47:26 Berges-MacBook-Pro[1] (com.liupeng.mac.FinderMenu.FinderSync.EFB1AE78-CC92-413B-85A8-DE9644998C42[19417]): Caller wanted oneshot behavior for pre-existing instance: caller = Moneydance
Jan 23 13:53:52 Berges-MacBook-Pro[1] (com.liupeng.mac.FinderMenu.FinderSync.DCF5B210-8532-4C47-80FB-C72BEBA0D920[24485]): Caller wanted oneshot behavior for pre-existing instance: caller = Finder
So I would guess one of those utils integrating with Finder is silently restarting your for some reason. TotalFinder does not inject into relaunched Finder instance to prevent potential crash-on-startup-and-repeat situation.
I’m afraid you will have to experiement removing them one-by-one to see which one is doing that.
Hint for possible cause of problem:
I’m using CloudMounter and also TotalFinder. It seems that CM is not very responsive when used with Google Docs accounts. At times it causes the appearance of the beachball, slowing down not only TotalFinder but the Mac Finder after all. After quitting CloudMounter, Finder works well again.