@Darwin : Yes, Yosemite 10.10.1 fixed the issue for me. Thanks for your help!
I did it!
Joint crash of YD or TF when loading system had stopped, after the Yandex.Disk updating to version 1.3.1 of November 26.
I’m using 10.10.1. Since updating, TotalFinder consistently crashes. I have had to re-install TotalFinder at least two to three times since updating, the last just a couple of hours ago. I’ve used both standard versions and beta versions. I’m now back to the standard version. Question: does the latest beta perform better? If so, I’d like to try that version.
Same problem, but I have TF 1.6.17 (latest) and Yosemite 10.10.1, I have to start TF manually.
Others programs running ant startup:
Mega Client
1Password 5
Clean My Drive
Swiss Arrows
Box Sync
TotalFinder 1.6.17 crashes continually under 10.10.3 beta (14D130A), the latest public beta. I used to be in the beta program for TotalFinder but am no longer able to get the betas. Am I doing something wrong?
I’m using Mac OS X 10.10.2, TF version 1.6.17.
TF is not starting automatically upon start-up, and there is no preference panel in system preferences. I am using Dropbox. When I manually start TF, it works. However, it does not work when I open a folder from Overflow (ver 2.5.9)
I am still having this issue as well, despite being on 1.6.17 TotalFinder will not start automatically at start-up.
Any updates? Yosemite has caused all kinds of issues!!
I seem to have the same issue. I am running TotalFinder 1.6.27 and OS X 10.10.4. It was working OK until the last few days. Not sure if this is a bug or something else I have introduced to my Mac. How do I go about debugging this?
Hmm, it looks like multiple people have this problem with 10.10.4.
Please check the TotalFinder.app is really present in Login Items:
System Preferences > Users & Groups > Login Items
Secondary, open Console.app after clean reboot and look for some errors related to TotalFinder launch.
A hint: It is useful to filter Console.app > All Messages with “Finder” keyword.
Having this problem as well. OS X 10.10.4 TotalFinder 1.6.27.