Since I update to Yosemite TotalFinder will not start automatically after startup or a restart. It will work after I started it by hand.
I have this same problem with Yosemite GM3 and TF 1.6.12.
After any restart Finder starts on its own and I have manually to double-click TF (TF is in the startup folder).
Can you please observer -> All Messages during startup?
You can filter all messages using “Finder” keyword. There could be some messages what failed.
The only reference to TotalFinder yesterday is:
"TotalFinder has been successfully injected into [1743]"
but I guess that was from my manual start?
I think that it started during startup, but it is not visible.
I stiil had to restart it by hand.
I’m running 1.6.12 on 10.9.5, and TF doesn’t start up with Finder. I restarted Finder and Console doesn’t show anything about TF – I have to launch it manually.
10/13/14 3:27:21.137 PM[318]: ([32522]) Exited with code: 51
10/13/14 3:27:38.566 PM sharingd[351]: SDManagedBrowser::LSSharedFileListItemResolve returned -35
10/13/14 3:27:50.090 PM TotalFinder[474]: TotalFinder has been succesfully injected into[32522]
10/13/14 3:27:52.090 PM TotalFinder[474]: requesting injection into[32578]
10/13/14 3:27:52.812 PM Finder[32578]: TotalFinderInjector v1.6.12 received init event
10/13/14 3:27:52.819 PM Finder[32578]: TotalTerminalInjector: Installing TotalTerminal ...
10/13/14 3:27:52.820 PM Finder[32578]: Launching TotalFinderCrashWatcher from '/Library/ScriptingAdditions/TotalFinder.osax/Contents/Resources/TotalFinder.bundle/Contents/Resources/'
10/13/14 3:27:53.129 PM sharingd[351]: SDManagedBrowser::LSSharedFileListItemResolve returned -35
10/13/14 3:27:53.346 PM WindowServer[108]: CGXSetWindowListSystemAlpha: Invalid window 4117 (index 0/1)
10/13/14 3:27:53.346 PM WindowServer[108]: CGXSetWindowListSystemAlpha: Invalid window 4118 (index 0/1)
10/13/14 3:27:54.805 PM TotalFinder[474]: already injected - nothing to do
10/13/14 3:27:57.693 PM Finder[32578]: Bartender: Loaded BartenderHelperSeventyOne
According to logs the TotalFinder injector process is thinking TotalFinder’s code was already injected into Finder process, so it does nothing.
Can you please check if you can see TotalFinder preferences pane in Finder’s preferences? And have you Tabs enabled there? Some people reported that settings flipped for no obvious reason. Some got disabled Visor, some got disabled Tabs plugin.
Tabs are enabled Visor is disabled but that is my choice.
@rvr thank you for the report. It shows that there are two instances of Finder process running PID #32522 and later #32578. It seems that the first one is still alive when the TotalFinder’s agent gets request to inject into the second one. Thus the message “already-injected - nothing to do”.
I have to investigate how is this possible. Likely scenario is that Finder gets restarted during system startup and special timing causes TotalFinder injection while old instance is not fully terminated and new instance already requesting TotalFinder injection.
I wonder what other Finder-interfering software do you guys use. I assume. Google Drive. Dropbox. Anything else?
Maybe I can give you somekind of list with the programs I use.
I’m about to release 1.6.13 update which will have different mechanism of detecting if TotalFinder is already injected. This problem should go away then.
Will post here a link to beta update, so you can test it.
Please test 1.6.13. I would like to hear confirmation that the problem got fixed:
I get the following screen message when I try to download 1.6.13.
"AccessDeniedAccess Denied8F81E8E3371B1A26SDKkJJYYK35PEDHxfuwCMS7RP5wXQ3zn1zIZJQyz2b58xl/r8RVqxuSuu0vRk0XL "
Ah, my bad! Fixed now.
With both re-start and clean start TF start automatically. Thanks for the support.
Nothing at this address link except this javascript:showBetaHint(this);
It does not matter, I’ll wait the official update.
Edit: OK ; I found the culprit: Firefox. I got it with Safari.
Same problem here since version 1.6.13 : TotalFinder will not start automatically after startup or a restart. It will work after I started it by hand. Before it was working properly.
I also receive at restart a finder’s message : the last time you opened Finder, it unexpectedly quit while reopening windows. Do you want to reopen its windows again?
EDIT : it seems to be related to Dropbox. If I delete Dropbox, TotalFinder is starting ok
I registered just to confirm the existence of a problem (Mac OS 10.10.1, iMac 27 Mid 2011, TF 1.6.17): if the system is set Yandex.Disk ( If the start YD, then do not start TF. Remove from startup YD, then starts TF. Run YD, TF crash.
Could you send me any of those crash reports to You can find them in -> User Diagnostics Reports -> Finder_[some-date].crash
@archangel Also Dropbox reported that Yosemite 10.10.1 update fixed some crashing issues with Dropbox client. Some people reported this solved also the problem of TotalFinder not starting up automatically.