Translation Errors

In Chinese, Column is “欄”. Row is “列”. Please correct it. Thanks.

Thanks, the correction will be in the next version.

Could you by any chance check - are these all correct now?

“Circulate vertically (join top row to bottom row)” = “垂直循环 (从顶部桌面到底部桌面)”;

“Right end of row joins to left end of:” = “最右边的桌面向右切换至:”;

“Next row” = “下一行首”;

“Same row” = “相同行首”;

“Rows:” = “行:”;

“Columns:” = “欄:”;

/* Registration dialog */
“Registration” = “輸入序號”;

/* Registration dialog */
“Please enter your license details from the email we have sent you:” = “請依據我們發給您的郵件,輸入授權資訊:”;

/* Registration dialog */
“Register” = “註冊”;

/* Registration dialog */
“Buy TotalSpaces2 Now” = “立即購買”;

/* Registration dialog */
“Invalid license code” = “無效的授權”;

/* Registration dialog */
“Please go back and try again.” = “請返回並重試。”;

/* Registration dialog */
“To purchase a license for TotalSpaces2, please visit BinaryAge web store.” = “請至 BinaryAge 線上商店購買 TotalSpaces2 的授權。”;

/* Registration dialog */
“Back” = “返回”;

/* Registration dialog */
“Thanks for registering!” = “感謝您的註冊與支持!”;

/* Registration dialog */
“This TotalSpaces2 copy is licensed to:” = “此 TotalSpaces2 授權給:”;

/* Registration dialog */
“Change License” = “變更授權”;

/* Registration dialog */
“Close” = “關閉”;

/* Registration dialog */
“TotalSpaces2 Registration” = “註冊 TotalSpaces2”;

/* Registration dialog */
“Licensed to” = “授權給”;

/* Registration dialog */
“Thank you for using TotalSpaces2!” = “感謝您使用 TotalSpaces2!”;

/* Registration dialog */
“Trial period finished - Please buy TotalSpaces2” = “試用期結束 - 請購買 TotalSpaces2”;

/* Registration dialog /*
“Trial version” = “試用版”;

/* Registration dialog - */
"%d days left##{other}" = “還剩 %d 天”;

/* Registration dialog */
"%d days left##{one}" = “還剩 %d 天”;

/* Registration dialog */
“Buy now!” = “立刻購買!”;

/* non grid desktop name for menu */
"%@ (not in grid)" = “%@ (不在佈局中)”;

/* default numbered desktop name */
"%ld (Desktop)" = “%ld (桌面)”;

/* default fullscreen desktop name when fullscreen is in the grid */
"%ld (Fullscreen)" = “%ld (全螢幕)”;

/* default fullscreen desktop name when fullscreen is not in the grid */
"(Fullscreen)" = “(全螢幕)”;

/* 3 finger swipe dialog */
“3 finger swiping” = “滑動 3 根手指”;

/* No comment provided by engineer. */
“About” = “關於”;

/* No comment provided by engineer. */
“About (Unregistered)” = “關於 (未註冊)”;

/* add/remove desktops button */
“Add desktops” = “增加桌面”;

/* Toolbar item name for the Advanced preference pane */
“Advanced” = “進階設定”;

/* Toolbar item name for the App Spaces preference pane */
“Apps” = “軟體”;

/* No comment provided by engineer. */
“Check for updates” = “檢查更新”;

/* Toolbar item name for the Circulation preference pane */
“Circulation” = “循環”;

/* dashboard name shown in menu */
“Dashboard” = “儀表板”;

/* Toolbar item name for the General preference pane */
“General” = “一般”;

/* Toolbar item name for the Hotcorners preference pane */
“Hotcorners” = “熱點”;

/* Toolbar item name for the Hotkeys preference pane */
“Hotkeys” = “熱鍵”;

/* Toolbar item name for the Layout preference pane */
“Layout” = “佈局”;

/* 3 finger swipe dialog
hotkey cannot be assigned dialog */
“OK” = “好”;

/* Hotkey already in use dialog */
“Cancel” = “取消”;

/* No comment provided by engineer. */
“Overview grid” = “瀏覽佈局”;

/* 3 finger swipe dialog */
“Please note that we recommend turning off Three finger drag in the Point & Click section of Trackpad preferences (in System Preferences), otherwise the actions may activate simultaneously” = “我們建議您在 系統偏好設定 -> 觸控式軌跡板 中關閉 三指拖移 功能,否則會與 TotalSpaces 產生衝突!”;

/* hotkeys */
“Please use a different combination, or check in keyboard preferences that it is not already assigned” = “請使用其它組合, 或者檢查鍵盤快速鍵設定中,該組合尚未被啟用!”;

/* Preferences window */
“Preferences” = “偏好設定”;

/* No comment provided by engineer. */
“Quit” = “退出”;

/* add/remove desktops button */
“Remove desktops” = “移除桌面”;

/* unshow menu bar dialog */
“Menu bar item removal” = “移除工具列圖示”;

/* hotkeys */
“That key combination could not be assigned” = “該熱鍵組合無法使用”;

/* hotkeys */
“That key combination is already in use” = “該熱鍵組合已經被佔用”;

/* hotkeys */
“The system rejected the assignment even though we tried to force it” = “系統仍然拒絕該快捷鍵組合,即使我們已經嘗試強制指派了!”;

/* unshow menu bar dialog */
“To see the menu bar item again, you can double-click the application in your Applications folder” = “若希望工具列圖示重新出現,請在應用程式中雙擊,打開 TotalSpcaes”;

/* Toolbar item name for the Transitions preference pane */
“Transitions” = “過場”;

/* No comment provided by engineer. */
“Trial period expired” = “已過試用期”;

/* hotkey already in use dialog */
“Use anyway” = “已經被使用了!”;

/* layout desktop status label single */
“You have %ld desktops##{one}” = “目前有 %ld 個桌面”;

/* layout desktop status label plural */
“You have %ld desktops##{other}” = “目前有 %ld 個桌面”;

/* layout desktop requirements label single */
“You need %ld desktops##{one}” = “你需要 %ld 個桌面”;

/* layout desktop requirements label plural */
“You need %ld desktops##{other}” = “你需要 %ld 個桌面”;

/* Hotkeys prefs */
“Change space” = “切換到別的桌面”;

/* Hotkeys prefs */
“Move current window” = “移動視窗至別的桌面”;

/* Hotkeys prefs */
“Arrow keys with” = “方向鍵與”;

/* Hotkeys prefs */
“Hotkey” = “熱鍵”;

/* Hotkeys prefs */
“Mouse” = “滑鼠”;

/* Hotkeys prefs */
“Instant exposé” = “顯示 Exposé”;

/* Hotkeys prefs */
“Toggle exposé” = “切換 Exposé”;

/* Hotkeys prefs */
“Space bar” = “空白鍵”;

/* Hotkeys prefs */
“Use the space bar to toggle exposé when using the overview grid” = “在瀏覽佈局時使用空格鍵切換 Exposé”;

/* Hotkeys prefs */
“Choose button” = “選擇按鍵”;

/* Hotkeys prefs */
“3rd/middle button” = “第 3 個按鍵/中鍵”;

/* Hotkeys prefs */
“4th button” = “第 4 個按鍵”;

/* Hotkeys prefs */
“5th button” = “第 5 個按鍵”;

/* Hotkeys prefs popover */
“Left” = “左”;

/* Hotkeys prefs popover */
“Right” = “右”;

/* Hotkeys prefs popover */
“Up” = “上”;

/* Hotkeys prefs popover */
“Down” = “下”;

/* Hotkeys prefs popover */
“Arrow keys” = “方向鍵”;

/* Hotkeys prefs popover */
“Custom” = “自訂”;

/* General prefs */
“Start TotalSpaces2 at Login” = “登入時啟動 Totalspaces2”;

/* General prefs */
“Show notification graphic on desktop change” = “切換桌面時顯示圖形指示”;

/* General prefs */
“Hide menu bar icon” = “隱藏工具列圖示”;

/* General prefs */
“Automatically check for updates” = “自動檢查更新”;

/* General prefs */
“Include pre-releases” = “包含測試版本”;

/* General prefs */
“Zoom to overview grid animation” = “切換至網格之過場動畫”;

/* General prefs */
“Desktop backgrounds in the overview grid” = “瀏覽佈局時之背景”;

/* General prefs grid backgrounds */
“Hi res” = “高解析度”;

/* General prefs grid backgrounds */
“Lo res” = “低解析度”;

/* General prefs grid backgrounds */
“None (fastest)” = “無 (最快)”;

/* General prefs grid zoom */
“Desktop zoom” = “僅對桌面做過場動畫”;

/* General prefs grid zoom */
“Whole grid zoom” = “對網格做過場動畫”;

/* General prefs grid zoom */
“None” = “無過場動畫”;

/* Circulation prefs */
“Enable circulation” = “開啟桌面平行循環切換”;

/* Circulation prefs */
“Circulate vertically (join top row to bottom row)” = “開啟桌面垂直循環切換”;

/* Circulation prefs */
“Right end of row joins to left end of:” = “在最右邊的桌面按右鍵切換至:”;

/* Circulation prefs */
“Next row” = “下一列”;

/* Circulation prefs */
“Same row” = “同一列”;

/* App binding prefs */
“Application” = “應用程式”;

/* App binding prefs */
“Desktop” = “桌面”;

/* App binding prefs */
“Use this panel to assign apps to specific desktops” = “使用此控制面板,將應用程式設定至固定桌面”;

/* App binding prefs */
“All spaces” = “任一桌面”;

/* Transitions prefs */
“Use transitions” = “使用過場動畫”;

/* Transitions prefs */
“Animation” = “過場效果”;

/* Transitions prefs */
“Slide” = “平移”;

/* Transitions prefs */
“Cube” = “立方體”;

/* Transitions prefs */
“Flip” = “翻轉”;

/* Transitions prefs */
“Reveal” = “側推”;

/* Transitions prefs */
“Fade” = “漸變”;

/* Transitions prefs */
“Inside cube” = “內立方體”;

/* Transitions prefs */
“Speed” = “速度”;

/* Transitions prefs */
“Slow” = “慢”;

/* Transitions prefs */
“Fast” = “快”;

/* Transitions prefs */
“Swipe to change space” = “滑動觸摸板切換桌面”;

/* Transitions prefs */
“3 fingers” = “3 根手指”;

/* Transitions prefs */
“4 fingers” = “4 根手指”;

/* Transitions prefs */
“5 fingers” = “5 根手指”;

/* Transitions prefs */
“Invert swipe direction” = “反轉滑動方向”;

/* Transitions prefs */
“Change space by moving mouse to the edge of the screen” = “使用螢幕熱點切換桌面”;

/* Transitions prefs */
“With key” = “與該按鍵同時使用”;

/* Layout prefs - naming popup */
“Name” = “桌面名稱”;

/* Layout prefs - naming popup */
“Done” = “完成”;

/* Layout prefs - naming popup */
“Hotkey for position” = “設定熱鍵”;

/* Layout prefs */
“For this grid” = “目前佈局:”;

/* Layout prefs */
“Rows:” = “列:”;

/* Layout prefs */
“Columns:” = “欄:”;

/* Layout prefs */
“Select display” = “選擇螢幕:”;

/* Hotcorners prefs */
“Show overview grid” = “顯示佈局”;

/* Hotcorners prefs */
“Exposé (when in grid)” = “瀏覽佈局時自動 Exposé”;

/* Hotcorners prefs */
“Overview grid with exposé” = “與 Exposé 一起瀏覽佈局”;

By the way… The Overview grid with exposé function is not working in the latest version with Mavericks.

Thank you for the translation fixes!

What happens for you when you activate Instant exposé ?

Nothing happened… But Exposé (when in grid) function still works.

Ok, so the hotkey doesn’t work at all - that’s strange.

Can you try changing it to a different key combination?