TS3 on Intel - worked for a bit, but no more

I downloaded the “beta” of TS3 (version and it worked for a bit. While I was QUICKLY swiping left and right to move through my desktops, it just crashed.

Now, every time I try to launch it, it does not work and I see crash errors in Console. I’m attaching a crash log from my most recent crash (today).

Would love some help or ideas.

NOTE: I have already tried to uninstall it including manually finding any and every file on my machine related to TS3 and then reinstall and that is not helping the situation.

NOTE 2: I DO have Desktop Manager installed, but it’s clearly not compatible with TS3. Is it possible this is causing the crashes?

How many desktops did you configure?
I used to have 16 and this worked until TS3 crashed, then it would never restart.

I had to trim this down to 12 desktops in the end.