Update fails with 1.4 on Mav

Hello Team,
after upgrading to 1.4 and upgrading to Maverick i got often the pop-up that the update check fails.


It could be because you have installed XCode without agreeing to the TOS.

See this comment:

Thanks a lot but what exactly do i have to do? Xcode is starting normally!

what is reported when you run in Terminal.app:

asepsisctl diagnose

Your Asepsis setup seems to be OK

Ok, so the link I provided is not relevant problem. I think you have just problem that asepsis update checker is trying to check for updates when you have no network connection available (it should not do that, but it probably happened on your machine)

You may uninstall asepsis update checker by running this:

asepsisctl uninstall_updater

thanks a lot