Work computer does not allow System Integrity Protection update

I use TotalFinder on my computer and love it (I mean love it). However, on my work MAC I cannot get into the terminal upon reboot due to security reasons. Because of that, when I start my computer I get an error that SIP has not been disabled. Is there anything I can do to run TotalFinder?

I’m afraid there is no way to run TotalFinder without SIP disabled :-/ If there was it would be a security issue.

Bummer. My work locks down my machine so that when I reboot and use CMD+R, I need a special password to get into the system. Any other options you can think of?

You could try to install fresh macOS to a bootable USB drive (or external USB drive). And then try to run recoveryOS from there. Chances of this actually working are slim. Depends on how exactly is your machine locked.