Side bar icon size

Hello !
is it possible to have colored icon with all sizes for the side bar (finder) :

Tx for all you hard work !


I will scale the icons proportionally in version 1.9.3 (to be released).

Unfortunately the icons for Videos, Music and Images are in low resolution only and they look a bit blurry when scaled.

If anyone wanted to disable this feature. They can set a hidden tweak via

defaults write com.binaryage.totalfinder TotalFinderNoSidebarIconsScaling -bool YES

You can alternatively specify your own icons via ~/.totalfinder-sidebar-icons.plist by following this post:

Thanks i will test it,
I have found the folder icon fot the 3 icon vieo music and img in here : /System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/ the are clean :wink:

Hy thanks fot the last update but for me the colored icons are not upscaled it’s the same as the las version :stuck_out_tongue:

Please send me your ~/.totalfinder-sidebar-icons.plist with your icons (if you have custom ones). I will test it here.

So, i have fully uninstall Total finder (your tuto) and clean all the junk files with appcleaner, then install it again so i dont use custom colored icons (no ~/.totalfinder-sidebar-icons.plist) and still same thing your default colored icons are not upsaled :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmm, could you provide a screenshot? Maybe I could spot something there.

you want a screenshot from what ?

What is your OS version? I have tested this only under Sierra (10.12)

Can you run this script for me and send me your output?