TotalSpaces support on MacOS 10.15 Catalina

Hi Stephen, YES, and that is just great, as I use a number of sessions and applications that I can just bounce towards easily. Huge for my productivity in my business, based on consulting servi es with many contacts. :slight_smile:

I also have the same problem. I am having this problem with MacBook Pro 16 (2020).


Unfortunately still the same issue with 2.8.12
desktop rayout is broken, and keys, hot corners, transition are not woring


I always use TotalSpaces2. Thank you very much.

After upgrading to Catalina 10.15.4, I was having trouble with TotalSpaces2 does not working, but I solved it so I will share the solution.

macOS: Catalina 10.15.5
TotalSpaces: 2.8.12


It now works!

Thanks a lot!!

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I can’t believe this…
This has solved my problem.
Thank you!!


I really appreciate this information, that I can now use Totalspaces2.
However, I hope I still can use with turning on the setting, as I could in previous OS.
It is better when I use multiple monitors.

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me too.

It worked well for me, under macOS : Catalina 10.15.5, TotalSpaces: 2.8.12
Thanks for this solution.

This worked for me! Thanks!

However, I sometimes have hard time by this workaround.
When I connect to external display and do a presentation, my slides disappears on moving to other desktop.
Could you investigate this issue further and explain whether this can be fixed? @stephen


After each system restart, I keep getting the following error. Completely erasing Totalspaces seems to fix the issue, but it’s very troublesome to customise each time. Obviously I have done what the popup tells me to, and the checkbox is actually checked all the time, but no luck there when toggling it back and forth.

Running Totalspaces 2.8.12 and macOS Catalina 10.15 (19A602).

Screenshot 2020-07-30 at 10.16.24

Still seeing this and completely removing the application most of the time does not fix the issue. Requires several deep cleanings of the TotalSpace-generated files and then it just magically works at some point.

Thank you!

Great solution!