TotalFinder 1.10.7 can't adjust TotalFinder window size


I updated TotalFinder to version 1.10.7 and can no longer adjust the “vertical” window size according to my preferences… When I try to adjust the window size the arrow only points in the up direction, whereas before I could Adjust the TotalFinder window size in any manner desired… I’m assuming this is a bug with the latest update. Is anyone else experiencing this issue? if so, is there a workaround.

system: MacBook Pro, MacOS High Sierra, TotalFinder 1.10.7

You are correct, this is a new change because of:

To disable this, in set this plist tweak:

defaults write com.binaryage.totalfinder TotalFinderDontEnforceMinSize -bool yes

And then restart Finder via CMD+OPT+ESC and launch again.

To remove this tweak

defaults delete com.binaryage.totalfinder TotalFinderDontEnforceMinSize

If you set size too small it could break visual layout of Finder/TotalFinder views (a visual glitch) as described in the linked thread.